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Welcome to Soul Of A Nation--

A nonprofit with Care at the Core. We endeavor to provide resources, programs, and activities that will empower, enrich, and inspire individuals of varying ages in the community with a holistic approach. Our logo represents the diversity of humanity--the People-- being the "Soul of A Nation" and our values illuminating the Light--exemplifying Care at the Core!

We hope that you will support our efforts in a variety of programs, such as:

-Creating a network of resources listing organizations providing emergency services, such as food, clothing, shelter, etc.

-Facilitating distribution of food and other resources

-Workforce Development/Entrepreneurial training and skill building

-Financial Literacy Programs

-Family Literacy Programs

-Career and College Preparedness for Youth and Young Adults

-Tutoring and Education Enrichment for Youth and Families

-Scholarships for Varying Certificates/Degrees

-Health and Wellness Programs

Together, we Can Make A Difference in Our Nation--Even Our World!


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Melanie Townsend Diggs-- President

Cheri Saunders-- Secretary

Altonese Reese-- Treasurer

Bridget Davis-- Programs/Activities Committee Leader



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